ohio avenue elementary school | columbus, oh




SIZE: 54,000 SF


As part of Columbus Public Schools Facilities Master Plan,

the design team (a joint venture between BSHM Architects

and Harris Design) was selected to provide professional

design services to Ohio Avenue Elementary. Built in 1891,

Ohio Avenue is the first of several historic schools that will

be renovated. Columbus Public Schools selected the team

for its expertise in public school design and BSHM’s

reputation for rehabilitating historic structures.The program

for Ohio Avenue calls for the creation of 14 regular

classrooms, with 7 shared tutor rooms, 3 special education

classrooms, 1 PK classroom, and 2 kindergarten

classrooms. The 1893 school was completely renovated

with new HVAC, electrical, plumbing, technology, and furniture. A 1968 addition was renovated to provide support facilities.

The 1950 addition was demolished. A new 3,000 square foot dining room was added. The entire complex is now ADA




  • 2008 AIA Eastern Ohio Design Honor Award for Columbus Ohio Avenue Elementary School


  • 2008 Ohio Historic Preservation Office Award for Columbus Ohio Avenue Elementary School